With reference to the passage, Watchdog, you meet the Macgregors at the village shop. You ask them what happened. What are your questions?
A. We took it in and gave it a few scraps.
2. Q.
A. We went to Inverness.
3. Q.
A. About eleven.
4. Q.
A. It stood and snarled at us.
5. Q.
A. We called the fire brigade.
6. Q.
A. Until four in the morning.
Answer guide
1. What did you do with the dog? 2. Where did you go (that evening)? 3. What time did you get back? 4. What happened when you opened the front door? (Why couldn’t you get into the house?) 5. What did you do? 6. How long did it take (for you) (to get into the house)?